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🎄 It’s the Holidays! You should Eat, Drink and Be Merry. But… 😋🫃

🤜 How about some Daily Habits to keep your weight off?

☀️ Having a really quick morning routine can be great. The key is to make it something you will do everyday. If you are not the exercise type, a 3-4 minutes routine that moves and stretches the legs, back, shoulders and arms will do wonders.

😚 If you have a sedentary job, it is important to find reasons to get up and move around eg. get a glass of water. If you have a strict job and can’t get up a lot, move your arms and stretch your legs in your seat to get the blood flowing.

👫 Standing desks are becoming pretty popular for good reason. You burn more calories, build leg muscle strength, and improve back health/posture as well. Though it’s no substitute for exercise, it’s an easy way to get healthier.

🥪 Have a restaurant or market nearby that you like to go to? Walk there instead of driving. If you can grab and go within an hour, you can fit it in your lunch hour too. Even if you have to carry some groceries, it will be like walking with weights.

🖥 If you are a person who takes in a lot of passive entertainment like watching TV, consider getting a treadmill so you can walk while watching. If you end up watching for hours, you may walk many miles, burning a lot of calories.

🚶 If you find yourself in an area often, keep exercise equipment nearby so you can hit quick exercises between tasks. Whenever you get up from your seat, do a few pull ups, bike for a few minutes…anything counts.

Good Health = Good Life…We Wish you a Very Happy Holiday Season 💪👍

Stephen Haw (310) 503-9886. DRE#00808646. Keller Williams Palos Verdes Realty.

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